We had a short period where no NESCAF kits existed, so we had to stop selling. Now we are back in business at the NESCAF ordering page.
Official Web Site of the QRP Club of New England
We had a short period where no NESCAF kits existed, so we had to stop selling. Now we are back in business at the NESCAF ordering page.
I was told I missed a wonderful luncheon, but here is a picture of the group at Brown’s Lobster Pound in Seabrook, NH
That’s Dave, Bud, Jim, Carl, Paul, and Tony.
(photo courtesy a nice couple visiting from Vermont)
We had a great time visiting W1AW. Thanks to Ed Hare W1RFI for acting as our host. Donuts, muffins and coffee were provided for breakfast, pizza was provided for lunch, and we managed to squeeze in a NESCAF kitting party.
Other photos are graciously made available by Bob N1RXV HERE.
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From the desk of KK1X –
I guess I’m the new webmaster.
Carl and I have managed to at least start the resurrection of the web site. I have some pictures posted (with more in the queue), and I’ve gotten the newsletters that were on the old site loaded up with some descriptions here and I’d be quite content if anybody who has other issues to step forward. I’ll grab copies and return your newsletters unscathed. This level of historical information is priceless.
Photos are all welcome. NEARFest is coming up and lots of our members will be attending. Please check the membership page to make sure your information is correct. I had to cull information out of a broken database.
If you would like to write articles for posting here, please do. Send along text (plain text is best, please), photos (.jpg or .png), schematics, and the like to me, KK1X, and I’ll build pages to hold your content.
We hope you enjoy the new web page. I’ll be adding old content going forward, but at a pretty lax pace, for I have other stuff to do as well.
vy 73,
John KK1X
Please forgive the ongoing construction. Our original web site was destroyed by hackers, and it’s been a bit of a project trying to resurrect it. Instead, we’ve decided to start anew. Here we go – stick with us.